Emily Mast

4030 N. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90065 mastonfig@gmail.com


IFIF (Leuven), 2023
Untuning, Together, 2023
IFIF (Rome), 2022
Pool, 2022
IFIF (HR), 2022
Rapt, 2021
HOW ARE WE, 2020
Continuous Wave, 2020
This Line Is The Present, 2019
Split Step, 2019
Boots Boobs Booze, 2019
Ashes In I’s (Tragedy/Comedy), 2019
Ashes In I’s, 2018
The Seed Eaters (Spelen), 2018
The Seed Eaters (Noir), 2018
Not All There, 2018
Not All There (RR), 2018
B!RDBRA!N (Afterward), 2017
The Seed Eaters, 2017
Wilder Beings, 2017
Hold Your Tension, 2017
The Cage Is A Stage (Swell), 2017
The Cage Is A Stage (Fleuron), 2016
The Cage Is A Stage (Bleed), 2016
The Cage Is A Stage (Proof), 2016
The Cage Is A Stage, 2016
The Stage Is A Cage, 2015
INDEX, 2015
Semaphore, 2012
ENDE (Like a New Beginning) Again, 2014
ENDE (Like a New Beginning), 2014
Emily Mast as Joan Brossa, 2014
The Least Important Things, 2014
Six Twelve One by One, 2013
B!RDBRA!N (Addendum), 2012
BIRDBRA!N (Epilogue), 2012
B!RDBRA!N, 2012
B!RDBRA!N (Prologue), 2012
Offending The Audience, 2011
Untitled Titled 2010, 2011
Everything, Nothing, Something, Always (Walla!), NY, 2009
Everything, Nothing, Something, Always (Walla!), LA, 2009