Emily Mast

4030 N. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90065 mastonfig@gmail.com

X Change, 2018, performance, 11 minutes

Just before the 2018 election, I brought together two individuals from opposite ends of the political spectrum—a staunch leftist liberal and a deep conservative—for a private, one-hour debate on the contentious issue of gun control. After their conversation, they were asked to stand before an audience and maintain uninterrupted eye contact for as long as possible. The performance lasted over 11 minutes until the conservative sneezed, momentarily breaking their gaze and bringing the piece to an end.

Performed by: Davie-Blue Bacich and Robert Lyons
Curated by: John Burtle and Elana Mann
For: Propositional Attitudes, LACE, Los Angeles